The Accident Is Just the Start

"Put me on speaker."

Monica did as she was told.

The call connected.

"Nox, it's me–" Finn had just opened his mouth. 

However, Nox quickly and anxiously interrupted him, "Finn, something happened to Fourth Master Swan overseas."

Finn tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"He said he took Jeanne out to sea, and the speedboat suddenly exploded. I'm rushing over now to check on the situation."

"How's Jeanne?!" Monica was so frightened that she was on the verge of breaking down.

"I'll know when I see her." Nox tried his best to remain calm. "Alright. I'm boarding the plane now. Wait for my news."

Finn and Monica tacitly did not mention their current situation.

When the other party hung up the call, Monica's hand that was holding the phone trembled.

Was Jeanne not overseas for her honeymoon? Why would something happen all of a sudden?

"Ah!" Monica suddenly hit her head on the side of the car.