I Won’t Let You Be Abused

In the empty and dilapidated warehouse, a heart-wrenching cry suddenly sounded in the quiet and peaceful night.

Monica's eyes were red as she looked at the bearded man in front of her. She looked at his ferocious appearance and watched his thick, dirty hands pull at her clothes.

Two people were holding her in place, so she could not struggle to break free from them.

Her entire body was trembling non-stop as she screamed, "Don't touch me. Don't touch me!"

The bearded man did not seem to have experienced such a thing before. People like him were usually paid to do things, and he would never do a sloppy job. He had never received such a mission before. Although it was strange… At that moment, he was inexplicably excited.

That was the first time he had enjoyed a man-woman relationship during a mission.

Looking at the weak little girl before him who looked like she could be crushed with a pinch, he became more excited.