I Won't Let You Be Abused

A woman's voice sounded. "Let him go!"

The man pinching Finn suddenly paused while the unresponsive man on the ground suddenly trembled.

"Let go of him!" Monica ran over and tried to push the bearded man away.

The bearded man had already released his grip, so he let go of Finn.

Monica lay on the ground and looked at Finn, who was bleeding from all seven orifices. She looked at his blood-red eyes that were looking straight at her.

At that moment, she saw his rage and knew that Finn was very angry.

She just knew she could not make Finn happy no matter what. He had used his own life to protect her, yet she did not cherish it.

Tears fell from her eyes.

However, she did not regret coming back. 

She turned around and said to the bearded man, "Your mission is to sleep with me."

The bearded man was a little surprised.