Escape from Danger: Don’t Leave Me Behind, Finn

Just now, Nox said that there was no danger here. Did that mean that the people who came to kill them were all dead? 

Then, her eyes widened in shock as she saw another body, and it was gruesome to look at. 

In an empty space, it looked unbearably hideous.

She paused for a moment but still gritted her teeth and walked over eventually. 

Her eyes narrowed.

She squatted down and carefully observed the body, looking at its neck… 

Suddenly, her body jerked. She turned around to see that not far from her, the leaves were swaying.

There was no wind at the moment, so… it was either an animal or a person.

In short, it was a living being. 

She started to feel nervous. 

She did not know whether Nox's so-called "no danger" really meant that there was no danger, but she raised the pistol, loaded it, and walked over vigilantly.

Her forehead was dripping with sweat.