The End of Monica and Michael’s Relationship

"So, the Sanders will attack the Swans sooner or later," Jeanne concluded.

"Not necessarily." Kingsley was sure in his reply.

Jeanne frowned.

"If the Swans aren't hiding any orphans and only want to establish themselves in Harken, the Sanders might not attack them. As long as the Swans don't intend to replace the Sanders, the Sanders can accommodate the Swans. The main point is that if the Sanders fight with the Swans now, it might not end well for the Sanders. It was not easy for them to stabilize their power and rule over Harken, so they wouldn't want to take any risks. At most, they would let the Swans have their absolute position in the business industry. However, if the Swans are really nurturing the orphan and want to help the orphan take back Harken, it would be a real threat to the Sanders's political power, and the Sanders would choose to kill the Swans regardless of anything."