Fourth Master Swan Is Jealous

Jeanne looked at Alexander coldly. 

The others were also very displeased with Jeanne. They pointed at her and said, "Let's not talk about who's responsible for the failure of this project we invested in. However, at least when Lawrence Enterprise is in trouble, isn't it natural for the Lawrences to help?"

"That's right. She has so much money, yet she's too stingy to help. It's really impressive."

"Actually, I've known for a long time that although Jeanne is capable, she turns her back on people. She won't even help her own family."

In the senior management meeting room, all of them were accusing Jeanne.

It was as if her actions were treasonous.

"So, is everyone saying that since the e-commerce project is losing money, I should fork out my own money to cover the losses?" Jeanne's eyes shifted.