Humiliating Eden In Public

Jeanne's expression turned cold.

"Because of your unhappiness with Eden back, you're deliberately trying to take revenge against Eden now–"

"Director Henry, Eden didn't abandon me back then," Jeanne reminded him.

This time, Henry's expression darkened.

"Back then, when Eden cheated on me, I was the one who broke up with him. As Eden's father, you should be very clear about all of it, and now you're trying to slander me? Are you deliberately trying to smear my name? Can I also suspect that because of my current identity, you father and son are jealous–"

"Jeanne!" Henry was really angered.

He slammed his hands on the conference table in front of him fiercely.

"In the company, I think it's better for you to call me Director Lawrence, Director Henry," Jeanne said bluntly.

Henry was so angry that his body was trembling.