Humiliating Eden In Public

"You're blaming me for the Lawrence Enterprise suffering a heavy loss? Don't forget. I married Jasmine, so I'm also a part of the Lawrence family. The Lawrences' loss is also my loss!" Eden was still agitated.

"To the Swan Enterprise, this small loss is like a drop in the ocean. You don't have to care about it at all! More importantly, the reason you did this was to use this opportunity to make me leave Lawrence Enterprise. After all, this project is my responsibility, and if the project fails, it'll be my responsibility!"

"Jeanne, what nonsense are you spouting? Who hurt you? I don't give a damn about you! Since we broke up seven years ago, I haven't cared about you at all. Who gave you the confidence to make you think that I still care about you? You think too highly of yourself!" Eden ridiculed her.

Jeanne sneered.