Sweet Shopping

The more he thought about it, the uglier his face became. He just lied in the room, suppressing his anger!

After a long time, the door was pushed open.

Jasmine had come back from the hospital and was surprised to hear the maid say that Eden was back.

Eden was a workaholic, so it was common for him to work overtime, and he had never come back early.

Did he… miss her?

For so long, Eden had been treating her more and more coldly. 

Was it because he had also noticed something, so he wanted to treat her better?

She was full of smiles, and with the shyness of a young girl, she pushed open the door.

Back then, Eden always used to say that he liked her pure and lovely appearance, and it had been a long time since she heard Eden say anything romantic.

To be precise, Eden had been so busy recently that he had not talked to her much.

When she walked in, she saw Eden lying on the bed, looking a little tired.