Jasmine Inciting Trouble and Seeking Her Own Destruction

"Take advantage of this child of yours and behave yourself in the Swans. Otherwise, if you're useless, Eden will dump you sooner or later," Jeanne advised kindly. "You better behave yourself."

"Jeanne!" Jasmine suppressed her anger and called out to her.

Jeanne's eyes moved slightly.

"You really want to see me as a joke now, don't you? You really look down on me now, huh?"

"Don't you know how much you weigh?" Jeanne looked at Jasmine. "My advice to you is not to think too highly of yourself!"

After saying that, Jeanne turned around to leave without talking nonsense to Jasmine.

Just as she raised her feet, she suddenly heard a scream behind her.

Jeanne's expression darkened as she turned her head, only to see Jasmine's entire body suddenly fall backward to the ground. 

Normal people would know that that kind of fall was dangerous. If not careful, one might really fall to his or her death.