Constantly Seeking Her Own Destruction

Alexander's expression was grim.

In the face of Fourth Master Swan, Alexander was still afraid of him, regardless of whether he was his son-in-law. 

He looked at Edward and put down his hand angrily. He said, "Jeanne, you've always been competitive since you were young, so you can't stand to see Jasmine being better than you! Haven't the lessons from seven years ago taught you the truth? Yet, you could still set your sister up. You made me feel that raising a dog would've been better than raising you!"

Raising a dog would have been better than raising her, huh? 

Jeanne looked at Alexander coldly. If she was worse than a dog, he was not even qualified to raise a dog!

Jeanne's eyes turned cold. "I can make Jasmine suffer any time. Would I have needed to use such despicable methods? The only person who would use such methods is Jasmine!"