Jasmine's Tragic Downfall

Everyone was indifferent to Jasmine's scream.

Jenifer's face was also grim.

Compared to Jasmine, her daughter, she knew very well what kind of abuse Jasmine would suffer when the latter went back. However, for the sake of benefits, she could only watch helplessly as Jasmine was taken away. More importantly, Jasmine would no longer be of any use to her after this, and she did not need to destroy herself for a useless person!

She knew that if she did not perform well, she would also be implicated.

Seeing that Jenifer was indifferent to her, Jasmine was disappointed. However, because of fear, she had no choice but to beg them. This time, she shouted at Joshua, "Joshua, come and save me now..."

Joshua had not dared to speak the entire time.

He was already afraid when facing the Swans, so now that his sister was begging him, he did not dare to do anything.