Father and Son "Reunited"

"You can choose your husband, but you can't choose your dad!" Edward reminded George.

He meant that with all the facts laid out, so the little one had to accept it.

George turned to look at Edward. Displeasure was written all over his small face.

He did not understand why his father would suddenly appear again after being dead for so many years.

Hence, he said, "I may not be able to choose my dad, but I can choose whether I like him or not."

"You will eventually like me." Edward was certain.

"I won't." George was also very certain.

There was some tension between the adult and the kid. 

Jeanne felt she was in a difficult position by being put in the middle.

On second thought, everything started because of her as she was the one who had been lying to George that his father was dead. 

However, it was not entirely her fault.