Monica Swayed By Her Emotions

Her eyes narrowed.

Before she came, Michael had already instructed her not to let Monica feel the slightest bit of disgust, regardless of whether the negotiations ended or not. Thus, even though she was feeling extremely aggrieved, she still held it in and did not throw a tantrum at Monica.

She gritted her teeth, got up, and left.

Once she was in her car, she called her son. "Michael."

"How did it go?"

"She refuses to do it," Reese said, and her expression turned even uglier. "I never thought Monica would be so decisive. She even said indifferently that she has nothing to do with you anymore. The person she has liked all along is Finn."

"Alright. I got it."

"Michael." Reese hurriedly stopped him. "If we can't change Monica's mind, can you explain it to the President?"