Finn, Let’s Get A Divorce

When the car arrived at the car park, Reese parked the car and got out to help Michael down. 

However, Michael pushed her away with such force that she almost fell to the ground. 

Monica was shocked.

Reese's eyes turned red immediately, and she said, "No matter how much you hate me, you can't take it out on yourself."

Michael did not even spare Reese a glance as he alighted from the car with great difficulty.

Monica also struggled to get down from the car.

Then, Reese hurriedly handed Monica her crutches.

"Thank you." Monica looked at Reese, whom she thought had changed too much.

Reese shook her head and said, "Monica, I'm sorry."

Monica bit her lip.

She knew what Reese was talking about, but she did not plan on forgiving her. Hence, Monica said, "I'll be leaving first."