Do I Deserve to Be Abandoned by You, Time and Time Again?

She said, "Finn, Jeannie once told me you're an orphan, and orphans often don't have a sense of security. I didn't think much of it before, but now I see it. Because you don't feel secure, you think badly of the world and that you need others to do more for you! Finn, don't you think it's hard for people to accept you like this?"

Finn stared intently at Monica with his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

In Monica's heart, Michael was despicable, but Michael was great. 

"Let's get a divorce," Monica said again. 

Finn glared at her.

"Tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. Michael has already spoken to the people from the civil affairs bureau. Before they open, they will first process our divorce certificate, and after that, Michael and I will announce to the public that we've been together this entire time– Mm..."

Monica was taken aback.

Suddenly, her words disappeared in Finn's kiss.