We Really Got A Divorce

"I have thought it through. I know all of you think I'm stupid for using this method to help Michael. You think I think of myself as a saint, but I'm actually evil. However, you're not me. You don't know how bad I feel when I see Michael like this because of me. I feel so guilty!" Monica's sobbing voice sounded, and she said fiercely to Jeanne, "Michael is really, really good to me..."

Jeanne did not expect Michael to be such a good person in Monica's heart.

In fact, did she know what kind of person Michael was?

Edward and Nox had been secretly investigating Michael, but after so long, they did not find any evidence against Michael.

Moreover, Michael and Eden were friends. Yet, out of so many things Eden had done to hurt her on purpose, none of them had anything to do with Michael.

She held her phone tightly.

At that moment, she was also a little speechless.