Giving Them A Taste of Their Own Medicine

Alexander had said everything he wanted to. 

However, Jeanne did not need his permission to leave.

As soon as Jeanne left, Alexander exploded in anger and hit his desk hard to vent his emotions.

Joshua was also furious at that moment, but seeing that his father was even angrier, he did not dare to lose his temper and could only stay by the side.

Alexander vented his anger for a long time before he finally calmed down.

When Joshua saw that Alexander's expression had eased up a little, he quickly said, "Dad, what does Jeanne mean? Does she just mean that grandpa is now siding with her?"

Alexander glared at Joshua and did not reply.

Taking Alexander's no reply as a tacit agreement, Joshua immediately panicked. "Has grandpa changed his attitude toward Jeanne? Seeing that Jeanne is capable and has the money, he probably thinks of handing Lawrence Enterprise to Jeanne. If that's the case, dad, what should I do? What should I do?"