Big Shots Showing Up One After Another: Jeanne, I Know Your Identity!

"I'm from Harken, but I've been studying in Yarra for ten years. I feel like I've made some progress in my career and that it's time for me to return to serve my country," Mason said in all seriousness.

Jeanne could not help but laugh at that moment.

'Serve my country? Harken is lucky that he hasn't killed a few of its people.'

The interviewer wanted to ask more questions, but when he heard Jeanne's laughter, he quickly shut his mouth.

Jeanne also realized that she seemed to have forgotten herself, but she coughed a few times and composed herself. "Sorry for being rude, but I didn't mean any harm. I'm just very pleased with what Mr. Locke said. After all, a lot of people use the resources of their motherland to make a living overseas and then never think of coming back."

"Thank you, Director Lawrence, for your recognition." Mason was neither haughty nor humble.

With that, the interview continued.