Jonathan's Fate, The Cold-blooded Lawrence Family

She could stay calm in the face of anything.

The appearance of the two of them attracted the attention of some people.

Most turned their heads to look at them, watching as they walked toward the middle, where Alexander, Jenifer, and Joshua stood, all dressed in mourning clothes.

They were entertaining the guests and mourning at the same time. 

Jeanne had just walked over when Alexander's pained expression twisted in anger.

Then, he slapped Jeanne hard on the face.

In the quiet space, the slap was exceptionally loud.

Monica was shocked. Not caring that her feet were still in a cast, she rushed forward to protect Jeanne. "Alexander, what are you doing?"

However, Jeanne sneered.

It turned out Alexander was doing all of that, making such a big scene out of it, just to put on an act. His motive was probably to drive her out of Lawrence Enterprise reasonably!

She pulled Monica behind her.