Monica Was Drunk and Walked Into the Wrong Door

She hesitated for a long time before agreeing. 

She said, "Is it still the same place?"

"The same place at 7 p.m. I'll see you."

After that, Monica hung up the phone. In the end, she was still a little uninterested.

'Whatever,' she thought. 

Then, she got up and went to the dressing room to get changed and put on some makeup.

She assumed she was the only person in Harken to be dancing in the nightclub with her crutches. 

Anyway, she was going.

It was really a long-lost nightclub feeling.

The group of them did not like to sit in private rooms either because the private rooms were not as lively and happening as the main hall. Hence, they chose a place where most people were seated and then drank non-stop while making explicit comments to all the men and women there.