The Shareholder Meeting, A Huge Catfight

Quinn had always had high expectations of herself. Although it seemed like her father did not like her, in reality, his father held her in high regard. As for the rumors that her father was fondest of Melody, it was just a show for the outsiders! In the royal family, useless people would never have any status.

Yet now, Jeanne had a place in the Sanders.

Naturally, it was a threat to her.

As the saying went, know yourself and know your enemy… She wanted to see just how strong Jeanne was!


Jeanne walked into the meeting room of the shareholders' meeting.

At that moment, all the shareholders were present, and Joshua was already sitting in the middle seat.

Jenifer sat beside Joshua, followed by the other shareholders in Lawrence Enterprise. There were a total of 15 people around the table.

When Jeanne arrived, no good seats were left, so she sat down in the furthest seat but did not feel aggrieved.