Frighten, Edward's Return

In Harken, dawn had just broken in Bamboo Garden when Jeanne was woken up by her phone ringing.

Jeanne picked up her phone and looked at Kingsley's call. She picked it up. "Hello."

"Lucy is dead," Kingsley said.

His tone sounded neither sad nor indifferent. 

Jeanne held the phone tightly. She was shocked. 

"Fourth Master Swan killed her," Kingsley added.

Jeanne's throat moved slightly. She was silent, and her vision was blurry.

"I received news yesterday that Fourth Master Swan had a gun deal with an underground organization led by Locke. The location was in a remote area near the border of Harken. The Sanders wanted us to follow Fourth Master Swan to see if he was up to something else, so Lucy went," Kingsley explained why Edward killed Lucy.

"Did Lucy discover anything?" Jeanne held herself together and asked.

"She discovered the existence of the Duncans' descendant," Kingsley said straightforwardly.