Monica and Michael's Conflict Breaks Out

Nox knew that Edward would not blame him.

However, he felt bad that he had failed to fulfill his duty.

"No one expected you and Jeanne to get in an accident last night. No one, including Fourth Master, expected that someone would make such a bold move on you when the Sanders had mobilized so many armed forces. So, you really can't be blamed for this, and Fourth Master won't blame you either."

"I just can't accept it. If anything happens to Jeanne while she's by my side…" Nox clenched her fists.

"I understand you. If it were me, I would feel the same way. However, now that things have come to this, all we can do is help Fourth Master find Jeanne."

"But Edward doesn't need our help."

"Then, he must have other plans."

Nox looked at Finn.

Since he was young, he was not as good as Edward and Finn in terms of strategy.