Exciting and Intense, Rescuing Jeanne

In the last second, their speed of falling suddenly slowed down a lot.

It seemed they had slowed down because of the support of Edward's arm. Although they had not reached the point where they could land safely, at least they would not die.

The two of them landed on the ground and rolled a few times. With Edward protecting her with his body, she was unharmed.

Eventually, the crazy rolling stopped.

It had only been a dozen seconds since the fall, but a lot of things had happened within that time frame.

When Kingsley heard Jeanne's voice and saw her jump down from the 50 meter-tall platform, his expression turned ferocious. He also chose to stay in the car and immediately ordered the car to reverse, madly backing away from the entrance of M Underground Organization. With that, the night sky was filled with sounds of gunfires.