Monica Committed Suicide (Not Dead)

She could not believe her ears and refused to believe that Michael would take it that far.

She even clicked open the news with trembling hands. Then, she saw the most eye-catching words in the middle. It said, "A Happy Ending for Michael and Monica As They Get Married In the Middle of Next Month."

Monica's eyes turned red out of anger. 

She read the content of the news and looked at the photos, which were two wedding photos of her and Michael.

It was obviously photoshopped, but most people could not tell. It was photoshopped to perfection, and there were no flaws at all.

It looked like the two of them had already taken their wedding photos, so it was pretty evident that they were getting married. 

Monica's whole body was trembling.

She frantically dialed Michael's number and yelled, "Are you crazy?!"

She cursed.

However, the other party simply picked up the phone and did not answer.