Accumulating Power, Return to South Hampton City

Jeanne listened to Monica's seemingly heartless words.

This girl had never expressed her discomfort and always made others think she did not care much about many things. In reality, she just did not want others to worry about her.

Jeanne's heart ached a little but did not expose her.

She said, "Monica, it's not just about scheming Michael."

"What do you mean?" Most of the time, Monica was not good at guessing other people's emotions, so she was a little surprised.

"Anyone who has a close relationship with him can become one of Michael's scandals and a legitimate reason for you to break off the engagement," Jeanne said. "For example, with how Reese treated you. If you expose her malice and viciousness, you can also use it to force Michael's hand. Besides, I don't think you want to be bullied by Reese again, do you?"

"Of course not." Monica was furious. She was still fuming at the thought of Reese's slap today.