How Should She Repay Jeannie?

Why should he help her, that cruel woman?

"Because I can't think of a person more suitable to do this than you," Jeanne said bluntly.

"That's your business. What does it have to do with me?" Nox remained unmoved.

Jeanne seemed to be silent for a few seconds before she said, "If you really can't, forget it."

With that, Jeanne was about to hang up the phone.

If Nox could not do it, she would look for Edward.

In fact, it was not that she could not look for him. It was just a little awkward, and she did not know how to face him.

"Is this how you ask for help?" Nox was a little unhappy.

Jeanne tightened her grip on her phone.

"You should at least be begging for help."

Jeanne smiled.

Nox had a sharp tongue but a soft heart, which was a character trait similar to Monica's.