Finn Is Not Good Enough For Monica

She had always felt that as long as she worked hard, three months would be enough for her to woo Finn.

However, she suddenly felt that she might not be able to do it even if she was given three or 30 years.

Despite that, she refused to believe that Finn really had no feelings for her.

"It pains me if I don't like you," Finn said as he stood up from his desk.

Sarah looked at his cold figure, and her heart ached.

Before Finn left, he even said, "Us pretending to be a couple ends here…"

"No!" Sarah grabbed Finn.

Finn's eyes flickered.

"We agreed on three months. Why are you ending it after just a few days?" Sarah said fiercely, "Finn, you can't be so cruel to me!"

"The longer we wait, the crueler it'll be!" Finn enunciated each word.

Sarah looked at him with tears in her eyes.

How could Finn be so heartless and cold-blooded?

However, she could not see any change in his expression.