You Probably Wouldn't Remember Me If I Didn't Take the Initiative to Come To You

Under the same sky, in the presidential suite of a five-star hotel in South Hampton City, Jeanne was waiting in the room, waiting for an answer.

Tonight, Michael would send Brie away or kill her to silence her, and Mason followed them to their destination. 

According to the current development, Michael's method of sending Brie away should be the same as sending Eden away.

She looked at the real-time location that Brie had sent her.

Brie had already rushed to the dock and got on the speedboat.

The direction that the speedboat was heading toward was the place that the ship was going to pass through tonight.

Mason had already gone over in advance to make some preparations.

Half an hour later, Brie's real-time location had not been updated yet as she was waiting for the ship that was about to pass by.

However, it did not take long. It was probably because Michael had calculated it accurately.