Pushed To The Limit

Monica just watched Harry fly into a rage.

She had never thought to use this method either. 

Before she walked into the room, she thought that she would use normal means to discuss the collaboration. However, when she walked in and was hugged by Harry, she suddenly changed her strategy as she felt like she could achieve her goal by any means.

In the room, they were having a standoff. 

Once three minutes had passed, Monica lowered her head and made a call.

Harry looked at Monica's actions and was getting restless.

Monica said into the phone, "Hello, is this the police station? I–"

"Enough!" Harry said loudly, "I promise you!"

Monica grinned coldly and put down her phone. After all, she did not make the call and was just putting on an act.

Harry was not in the mood to care whether Monica was acting or not, but he knew very well that Monica was threatening him.