Going To Court: Intense Debate

With the help of her bodyguards and Steve, she broke free from the reporters and strode away.

Then, a reporter shouted, "Michael is here!"

Monica stopped in her tracks and turned around to see Michael in a suit.

The reporters' questions flooded in again.

"Mr. Ross, why did you come here personally today? Is it because you can't let go of Monica or the quality inspection department?"

"I heard that the vaccine incident at Cardellini Pharmaceutical was related to Brie. Brie was resentful that Monica exposed your scandal with her in public, which was why she treated Monica like this. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Did you know that Brie was using this method to take revenge on Monica? After all, Monica publicly exposed you back then, and you were also humiliated."

Michael was not as indifferent as Monica.