The War Has Started: Finn in Danger

Finn returned to his office.

He sat in his office chair and suddenly fell into a daze for a long time. 

Too many things had happened recently that made him a little overwhelmed. However, he had to get over it quietly because he would then have to force himself to deal with a lot of things.

He pulled the drawer open and looked at the document in his hand. It was a list of the Sanders' internal scandals that he had sorted out. Many of them had not been confirmed, but they were all facts.

He wondered if using the information he had could really put the Sanders in a dilemma and leave them no choice but to let Edward and Nox go.

It was obvious that he could not afford to make a single mistake. Once something went wrong, the situation might be beyond redemption. 

He tried his best to keep calm.

There were some things that he really could not decide on his own, so after hesitating for a long time, he called Alex, the descendant of the Duncans.