The War Has Started: Finn in Danger

All of the facts made everyone believe that it was all true.

Once people believe it was true, the Sanders would be met with criticism. 

At that moment, all the citizens of Harken requested that the Sanders come forward to respond to the report posted and explain the current situation.

When Warren saw the news, he was furious.

Everything had been going smoothly until such a big thing popped up out of the blue. All the things that he had been doing in secret recently had been exposed!

Who was it who could investigate all of his shady matters so thoroughly?

Edward and Nox had been captured, so who else was there? 

Could it be the descendant of the Duncans? Was it because they had threatened to expose his identity, so he resisted them?

"Father, what should we do now?" Chester asked.

Warren's expression was unsightly.