A Turn of Events

Edward and William were surrounded by the Sanders.

Warren was overjoyed. He could not hide his joy and even laughed out loud.

All this time, the words "Duncans' descendant" were stuck in his throat, but finally, he could get the person today. 

He was so happy that he forgot himself. At that moment, he even forgot that he was the leader of a country. He did not care about his children or his subordinates' presence and released all his emotions.

He said, "Are you still going to run now?!"

Where else could they run to?

Edward looked coldly at Warren's smug and overly excited expression.

"You've been hiding by my side for so long. Do you really think you can hide it from me?! He's too bold!" Warren's voice sounded more and more furious.

All the grievances he felt before seemed to be released at that moment. Finally, he could vent his anger.