Monica, Let's Start Over Again

Then, Finn let go.

Monica carefully got off the bed and went to the bathroom. When she came out of the bathroom, she saw Finn waiting for her at the door of the bathroom.

Monica glanced at him, walked past him, and then returned to the bed.

At the same time, Finn returned to her bed and sat down.

Endless silence filled the room again. 

Hence, Monica took a deep breath and asked, "Do you have something to say?"

Only then did Finn turn his eyes to look at her.

Every time Finn came over, he would just stand there and not look at her. He also seemed to glance at her occasionally. Anyway... Monica did not know what he was up to.

Perhaps he was also struggling with what he should do to her, and that was why he chose to remain silent every time.

"No?" Since she did not get an answer from Finn, Monica tried to confirm with him again.

"I do," Finn suddenly said.