The Love Rivals Meet

Edward stood beside them and pretended to be the bad guy. "George, go back to your room and take a shower."

George bit his lips, not very willing to do what Edward told him to.

"I'll go with you." Jeanne took George's hand.

Edward stared at their backs and held back the words that he was about to say.

After Jeanne and George returned to the room, and Jeanne was looking for clothes for George, George looked at his mother and said, "Dad told me not to tell you."

Jeanne paused in her search for clothes.

"But I really don't want to go there anymore." George's tears flowed out of his eyes. 

After all, no matter how mature he was, he was only six years old. At the age of six, when he was faced with something he did not want to do and felt powerless, he could only cry. 

Jeanne's throat moved slightly, and she lowered her head to wipe his tears. She said, "George, do you know that Kingsley is dead?"