Finn, What's Our Relationship?

Finn had already guessed that Monica would leave. After all, no one would be able to accept the news of Edward suddenly announcing his marriage to someone else.

In fact, Finn was shocked too, but when he thought about it later, he believed Edward must have his reasons for doing that. Therefore, he quickly accepted it after a moment of shock.

However, Monica would not. Monica would leave impulsively.

In the past, she might have rushed forward emotionally. Now, in order to not cause any trouble, she chose to leave.

"I've left," Monica replied.

Finn stood at the main entrance with a bitter expression on his face. As expected, he was still a step too late.

He said, "If you're not feeling well, go back and rest early."

He knew that she was actually just looking for an excuse.

He, of course, would not expose her, but as a doctor, he should ask a few questions regarding her simple excuse. However, he did not ask her anything.