Edward and Candice's First Date

Of course, it was not because Monica was familiar with Brandon just because the Hayes family was one of the twelve families. In fact, not every family had a good relationship with each other. The relationship between her and Brandon was because the two families were neighbors back then and often played together when they were young.

Brandon looked like a girl when he was young, and he was introverted. He was also a few months younger than she was, so he always followed behind her and called her sister.

Then, he chased after her. When they were about seven or eight years old, Brandon left the country with his family.

When that just happened, she would often think about him. However, as time passed, she actually forgot about it. Even today, she almost could not recall who Brandon was.

As expected, time truly made one grow old!

"Do you still need me to explain?" Brandon asked with a smile when he saw that Monica seemed to have remembered.