Candice and Monica's Day Out

"It's getting late. I'll head home first."

"I'll send you off," Wyatt quickly said.

"No need. You guys rest early too," Edward declined.

He let go of Candice's hand.

That was it. There was a feeling of reluctance. 

Reluctantly, he let go.

He nodded at Wyatt and Claire before turning to leave.

The group of people behind Edward also left.

After his departure, the atmosphere at home seemed to be slightly better.

Indeed, when facing a man of Edward's status, even if he did not do anything, everyone else would feel intimidated standing close. 

"Candice, come and sit," Wyatt called out to his daughter.

Candice sat down obediently while Claire and Chloe took their seats too.

Chloe looked at Candice with hostility but the latter pretended not to notice. She just felt that she would not be staying in this house for long and did not want to cause trouble.

"Did your date with the Chief go well?" Wyatt asked.