The First Negotiation With George

Candice looked at Monica's messages. Even though she had only known Monica for a day, she seemed to know that this was Monica's style, full of vibrance.

Monica did not get a reply from her, so she sent another message: [Remember to reply to me when you wake up.]

She probably thought that Candice was still asleep, so she did not call to wake her up.

Candice looked at her phone and wrote: [I'm fine. I was indeed drunk last night. I'm not feeling too well now that I've woken up. The Chief didn't do anything to me. Don't worry.]

Right then, Monica called. 

Candice answered, "Monica."

"Are you really alright?" Monica asked.

"No, I did feel a little dizzy last night and even blacked out, but I woke up early this morning and felt refreshed."

"That's good." Monica heaved a sigh of relief and could not help but ask, "Did the Chief really not do anything to you? Did you forget how he treated you last night?"