The First Negotiation With George

Monica frowned.

Frankly, she had never really thought about this.

After all, for so many years, there did not seem to be any outstanding men pursuing her.

When she thought of Michael, her ex, she felt an inexplicable fear.

"I'm just saying." Brandon saw that Monica was a little embarrassed and quickly added, "However, since you've been with Dr. Jones for so many years, it doesn't matter if you make do or not. It's also because you have feelings for him. Otherwise, who would be willing to waste their youth on anyone?"

Monica felt that what Brandon said made sense.

Besides, she did not want to think too much about it. She felt that the relationship between her and Finn would one day… take its natural course.

On the road to a breakup.

Or a marriage.

The two of them finished breakfast. Brandon handed a wet tissue to Monica.

"As a man, you've prepared quite a lot of things." Monica could not help but praise him.