Finn Is Jealous

With that, Nox hung up the phone abruptly.

The bystander was more anxious than the person involved it seemed.

Nox put down his phone.

He was hit with an inexplicable feeling of emptiness. It was in the dead of night that he felt inexplicably lonely.

He sat on his balcony and lit a cigarette and stared blankly into the night view of South Hampton. He did not know where his sudden sense of loss came from.

He had clearly just been intimate with Zoe and satisfied his desire as a man. Why was he suddenly feeling so? Why was he so sad?

Could it be that Finn had influenced him? It made him feel sad.

He just sat there, smoking away intensely.

"Nox." Zoe seemed to have not seen Nox for a long time, so she got up to look for him.

Seeing him sitting on the balcony, her soft body leaned close to him and hugged his neck. She said in a coquettish voice, "Why aren't you sleeping? You're smoking here at night."