Monica, I Don't Want to Break Up

"It really isn't," Shelly explained again when she saw Monica's disbelieving eyes.

Monica still did not seem to believe her.

Helpless, Shelly had no choice but to wake up the little girl who was about to fall asleep again and turn her little face to Monica. "Do you think she looks like Nox?"

Monica looked at the little girl.

It was true that they did not look alike. Although the little girl had big bright eyes, she looked average overall. She did not look outstanding, and if she were to look more like Nox, she would be cuter.

"So, she really isn't Nox's child. Don't overthink it." Shelly seemed to be afraid that Monica would misunderstand, so she had been trying to make it clear that the child was not Nox's.

"I heard that children might only inherit one parent's genes and not the other. For example, I look like my father but not my mother." Monica continued to say.

After all, the timing was perfect.