The Wedding Night: From Now On, I Will Sleep In

It was the wedding of the Leader of Harken, and with the blessings of the people of the country, the ceremony was completed.

Candice followed Edward back to Bamboo Garden.

She had expected today's wedding to be like that, following the rules. However, when she really experienced it, she felt a little disappointed.

From the beginning to the end of the wedding, there was no anticipation at all.

She was actually… holding onto a little bit of hope.

Last night, she received a call from Edward in the middle of the night. He said that he had just returned from drinking with his friends.

She had always thought of Edward as the kind of person who was aloof and out of touch with the world. After all, he was the Leader of the Harken, and his status was high! However, when he called her last night, she vaguely felt that he was like most men.