The Amusement Park

The moment Monica opened the car door and got out of the car, Finn also got out.

"Finn, enough is enough." Monica was still as aversive and indifferent toward him as before.

"I don't feel comfortable with you living alone," Finn said bluntly.

Monica looked at Finn coldly. "So you plan to move in with me?"

"If possible–"

"You can't."

Finn pursed his lips and said, "I'll help you pack your things and go to your parents' house."

"I won't go. I won't tell them I'm pregnant for the time being," Monica replied.

She was giving herself a way out.

Finn fell silent.

"And I hope you won't tell them."

Finn looked at her.

"If you tell them, I'll choose not to go ahead with this pregnancy." Monica said coldly, "You should know that if I'm forced to a corner, I will do anything."

Finn's throat moved slightly, and he nodded.