Zoe's Trick

When she walked in, George was lying in bed reading a book.

George's behavior was different from children of the same age. Children of the same age would never be as self-disciplined as George. Even if no one had disciplined him, he would arrange his own study time reasonably.

George was expressionless when he saw Candice return. His little face looked cold.

Candice stared at George for a long time until it made George feel uncomfortable. He frowned and touched his face, thinking that there was something on his face, which made him a little embarrassed.

"There's nothing on your face, and you're especially handsome," Candice said bluntly.

George turned to look at Candice. How would she know what he was thinking?

"Then, why are you staring at me?" George was annoyed.

When it came to Candice, he could not stay calm for even a minute.