Zoe's Trick

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm just reminding you that there's no such thing as a secret in this world. The fact that you cheated on Nox behind his back will be exposed one day."

"Are you threatening me?" Zoe's expression darkened.

"Can you not think of me as such a despicable person? I'm just trying to help you."

"What do you mean?" Zoe frowned.

"What I mean is, if one day you're exposed for cheating on Nox while you're dating him, you'd better get evidence that Nox was also cheating on you."

"Do you think Nox is still the same as he was before? Ever since he got together with me, he hasn't had any improper relationships with other women."

"That's why I'm telling you to create evidence!"

"Can you just say what you want to say?" Zoe's expression was grim.