George Outwits Chloe

Paige stopped at the sound. When she saw Chloe, she called out obediently, "Hi, Aunt."

"Where are you going barefooted?" Chloe walked in front of Paige and asked her gently.

"To find Mommy," Paige answered honestly.

"Your mom is still sleeping. Why don't I bring you out to play?"

"No, Mom wants me to kiss her every day." Paige refused.

Chloe felt a little embarrassed after being rejected so directly.

"Paige, do you want some ice cream?"Chloe asked.

Paige's big eyes were shining because she loved ice cream.

"Come with me downstairs. I'll buy you ice cream now, okay?"

"Uh..." Before her mother and her favorite ice cream, she began to hesitate.

"Let your mom sleep a little longer. We'll go look for her after we've had ice cream, okay?" Chloe tried to tempt her. "Otherwise, if your mother finds out, she definitely won't let you eat it."