Side Story: Lucy, I Want You To Like Me

That was why she chose to approach him that way.

Kingsley stared at her flushed face. If not for her charming expression and practiced movements, he would have thought that she was very innocent and shy at that moment.

The success rate of female assassins' using that method would usually be high. If he had not deliberately set up a trap for her to kill him, based on what she had done tonight, he would not have discovered her identity as an assassin.

In his previous life, in order to make her his assassin, he used her as bait to make her walk into his trap. In this life, it was because… he wanted her.

That was right. He had been reborn. The funny thing was that the moment he thought he was dead, he opened his eyes, and it was six years ago.

Six years ago, Jeanne had just been brought back to the Hills, and Lucy was not yet his assassin. It made him wonder if that was a chance for him to atone for his sins.